The number one way to be involved with the Purdue Trap and Skeet Club is to become a member! While shooting sports are largely based on individual performance, we all wear the same colors and we want to see you improve your skills. Our athletes shoot in squads and each individual shooter contributes to the success of our club. The more help we have, the more we are able to open our range and get out and shoot! We welcome everyone at all experience levels; members are taught safety for themselves and others, respect for the guns and others, and sportsmanship.
It is no secret that competitive shooting is an expensive sport. Board members and club participants work diligently on fundraising efforts to offset the cost of this sport to our athletes, and we appreciate your support of these efforts. One of our primary club goals is to keep the cost of participating within a reasonable amount for student athletes and their families.
Your donations will go directly to the cost of travel, shells, targets, registration for invitational and regional competitions, and state & national Championships. In addition, the club owns and maintains our range and several guns for use by our athletes free of charge. We are able to do this by applying for grants yearly and hosting various shooting events.
As our resources grow, we are able to offer our athletes a wider variety of opportunities, beyond American style trapshooting. We also offer opportunities to compete in American Skeet and Skeet Doubles, as well as international disciplines such as; International Skeet, Bunker Trap, and Trap Doubles (which are all Olympic Shooting Sports that are offered by the ACUI and SCTP organizations). Learning to shoot beyond American trap is a challenge for our shooters that encourages members to stay involved regardless of their skill level.
You can help keep Purdue Trap and Skeet affordable and active at competitions around the nation! Purdue has a quick and easy online gifting process that allows gifted funds to be transferred directly to the club account. We receive 100% of all donations gifted through the link below. Click the button to get started, and thank you for your support.
Midway USA Foundation
The Midway USA Foundation helps communities and organizations like Purdue Trap and Skeet to raise funds to support youth shooting activities. Midway helps shooting teams through their generous donations, matching contributions, and management of our endowment account. The Team Endowment Account Program is owned and controlled by the Midway USA Foundation, Inc, a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit, public charity established by Larry and Brenda Potterfield in 2007. The Potterfields began the foundation as a result of their passion and interest in educations for shooting, hunting, firearms safety, and outdoor skills. The Team Endowment Account Program is intended to provide financial support to shooting programs, such as the Purdue Trap and Skeet Club. Donations provide immediate grant potential along with sustained funding from the investment earnings of the fund. The Potterfield family makes a donation each year to fund 100% of all operating expenses so that every cent of every dollar you donate goes to support youth shooting. The annual earnings from the invested principal will provide future funding for shooting programs. By donating to our endowment account through the Midway USA Foundation, you will truly be providing for the future of our team and our beloved sport. Purdue Trap and Skeet Club currently uses their endowment account as one of a three legged approach to funding our team. Annually, we are able to draw a grant of up to 5% of our endowment account balance. These funds may be used for shooting program expenses such as ammunition, travel, entry fees, uniforms, scholarships, and personnel costs. The remainder of our account balance remains invested and grows through donations, matching contributions, and earned interest. In addition to endowment account funding, when we operate our range, the money is invested right back into club activities. The third leg of our fundraising base is comprised of monetary and “in kind” donations from our sponsors and supporters.
To learn more about The Midway USA Foundation please visit:
Contributions to the Purdue Trap and Skeet Club endowment, please visit here.
Please contact us at with any questions regarding our team’s legacy.
We are proudly and graciously supported by the following businesses and organizations.